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about me

A little about me: I’ve always had a love affair with good food! Growing up, my mom was a brilliant cook who never relied on recipes. She just knew how to bring out the best in every dish. With a huge garden and a farm filled with homegrown veggies and fresh meat, we never needed to buy anything. I learned to cook early on, with daily responsibilities in the kitchen and garden. Little did I know just how incredible my mom was until later in life. I’m so grateful for the skills she passed down, skills that now allow me to tweak recipes to make them both plant-based and delicious.


Fast forward to today—my health took a hit. I was diagnosed with Stage III Renal Disease. As a nurse, I understood the gravity of it and dreaded the idea of it advancing to Stage IV or V. My lab results over the years weren’t promising, and the road ahead seemed bleak. I spent hours researching, visiting doctors, and going through countless lab tests. Then, during a YouTube lecture by a renowned nephrologist, there it was—one casual statement: “A plant-based diet has been shown to be beneficial to some.” I took note, but when my own nephrologist barely acknowledged it, I didn’t jump on the idea right away.


Months later, as my labs worsened, I thought, “Why not give it a try?” I watched Forks Over Knives on Netflix, and the science blew me away. Off I went to the store, filling my cart with “vegan” products, feeling proud of myself. But a week later, after watching Engine 2 (also on Netflix), I realized I had spent $400 on food that wasn’t healthy either, despite being animal-free. So, I purged my fridge and pantry again! Going fully whole-food, plant-based (WFPB) was no walk in the park. But when my labs became normal after just six weeks on the diet, I knew I was on the right path.


Now, my mission is to share what I’ve learned and help others who want to enjoy the benefits of plant-based living without falling into the common traps. I’ll also be posting flavorful recipes I’ve created or adapted (thanks, Mom!). I quickly missed some of my old favorites, so I began experimenting with ways to reinvent them, and I’ve had some delicious successes!


I’ve been lucky enough to share this journey with my partner, Brian (Bri), who’s been all in from the start. After 20 weeks of WFPB eating (with my 90% rule), his cholesterol numbers plummeted - LDL dropped from 170 to 96, Non-HDL Cholesterol from 196 to 123, and Total Cholesterol from 237 to 160! His blood pressure also normalized. It’s been amazing to see how much food can change your health.


So why “The Green Corner”? Well, as we’ve embraced plant-based living, we’ve found ourselves moving more and more toward a greener lifestyle overall. Each success pushes us further, though, trust me, we’ve had our share of setbacks. Let me help you avoid those!


When I’m not in the kitchen, I work as a Registered Nurse Director, while Bri runs his own construction business and rocks out as a vocalist in a band. We love kayaking, riding motorcycles, spending time with family, and of course, cooking up WFPB meals. We follow the 90% rule—yes, we enjoy a glass of wine or a beer now and then, and Bri occasionally orders salmon when we’re out. Once a week, we might cook with plant-based meats and cheeses, but we mostly stick to whole foods and avoid added oils. And during vacations or nights out, we’ll sometimes have fish or seafood for convenience. The key is always getting back to the original plan when we return home, making it sustainable for the long haul.


I hope that by sharing my journey, I can help you with yours. Let’s make this lifestyle something you enjoy every day!

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